
Need to start the extension/app in Fullscreen window

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi I am wondering whether you can help me - I want be able to launch the extension in a fullscreen window. I am no developer and have tried to edit the extension but no luck - can you please help a newbie???

I must say I love your work - its great!

Hi @daddins,
Please use the CTRL + CMD + F to enter full screen mode (ALT + CTRL + F on Windows).

Hi @daddins,
If you unzip the generated .crx and edit js/embed.js, simply add this code to the top of the file:

// Get current focused window
var currentWindow = chrome.app.window.current();

// Check if currently full screen
if (currentWindow && !currentWindow.isFullscreen()) {
    // Enter full screen mode

Then, remove the installed .crx from chrome://extensions and load your unpacked, edited extension.