
Scheduling with mailgen

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Are you thinking of adding scheduling to this module any time soon or do you want me to create a pull request?. It will come in handy

Hi @ayoola-solomon!

What do you mean by scheduling? Scheduling e-mails to be sent in the future?

If so, that is not really the point of Mailgen -- since it doesn't actually send the e-mails, it only generates their HTML/textual content for you.

@eladnava Yes I meant Scheduling e-mails to be sent in the future?

That is not really the point of Mailgen -- since it doesn't actually send the e-mails, it only generates their HTML/textual content for you.

My bad... Thanks for the prompt response. Hopefully the module can evolve into doing that in the future.

@ayoola-solomon Might want to check out node-schedule in conjunction with nodemailer to achieve scheduled e-mail.