
Unrecognized selector sent to instance error

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I have a custom class ResponseIdSearch : Response (Response obviously extends Jastor and defines several string and int vars) that is getting an unrecognized selector error sent to it when an Array of complex objects.

ResponseIdSearch *salesResponse = [[ResponseIdSearch alloc] initWithDictionary:dictionaryFromJSON];

The line it fails on is Jastor.m:43

Class arrayItemType = [[self class] performSelector:NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_class", key])];

which results in

2013-06-06 13:32:14.067 MyApp[55784:c07] +[ResponseIdSearch sales_class]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x53db38

Where "sales" is the key in the Dictionary and there are 7 elements to the array.

And of course, right after I post this I find the answer. I had to implement the *_class method for my "sales" array:

+ (Class)sales_class { // used by Jastor
    return [SalesResult class];