
Domain Searcher - Operations Error

javalogicuser opened this issue · 1 comments

When trying to use add, I'm receiving an operations error:

Commands Used:
Whisker-dude.exe add /target:zph-svrmgmt1$ /domain:zsm.local /dc:ZPH-SVRDC01.zsm.local

"[X] Error executing the domain searcher: An operations error occurred."

Full output:
C:\Users\marcus\AppData\Local\Temp>Whisker-dude.exe add /target:zph-svrmgmt1$ /domain:zsm.local /dc:ZPH-SVRDC01.zsm.local
Whisker-dude.exe add /target:zph-svrmgmt1$ /domain:zsm.local /dc:ZPH-SVRDC01.zsm.local
[] No path was provided. The certificate will be printed as a Base64 blob
] No pass was provided. The certificate will be stored with the password 1NX63Tzvnz9LVFpC
[*] Searching for the target account

[X] Error executing the domain searcher: An operations error occurred.