
Need to reload links on some readme's

IKdotShark opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I wanted to see other awsome profiles on GitHub and I saw u're project. So there are problems, if u follow some links:

Problems with links




  • deafult - link is to default readme, it send user to home github page. U can resend link to u'r page on site


Same thing like with default

Dynami-realtime & Dynamic

I didn't get an idea of this page, but I suppose that this is an not dynamic profile 8bithemant - first one on Dynami-realtime page


**That's not a problem, but there is not a tabular profile xiaoluoboding

Short and sweet



previously listed links

Other problems

  1. If u check profile on site there Markdown type is unsupported and it seems not good.
  2. If u check profile on site there are no imges, u can fix it by useing link from someones repo where it located.
  3. Thats not my busines but some of the profiles in categories don't fit the description.

P.s. 404 about links means there are no profile with this nickname. Thank u if u read it and if u you accept these changing tips. <3