
Failed to connect to backoff: Get EOF

Closed this issue · 4 comments

machinebeat is running on my computer

  • IP:
  • OS: Windows11 21H2

I am sure that I can connect to the server from my computer: I use Elasticvue and it works well.

I also checked with curl:

> curl

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {
                      "name" : "server1",
                      "cluster_name" : "cpps-server",
                      "cluster_uuid" : "Cdy1jqpYTyWRWsHjU6NebQ",
                      "version" : {
                        "number" : "7.17.2",
                        "build_flavor" : "default",
                        "build_type" : "rpm"...
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    X-elastic-product: Elasticsearch
                    Warning: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.2-de7261de50d90919ae53b0eff9413fd7e5307301 "Elast
                    icsearch built-in security features are not enabled. Without authent...
Forms             : {}
Headers           : {[X-elastic-product, Elasticsearch], [Warning, 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.2-de7261de5
                    0d90919ae53b0eff9413fd7e5307301 "Elasticsearch built-in security features are not
                     enabled. Without authentication, your cluster could be accessible to anyone. See
                    tup.html to enable security."], [Content-Length, 535], [Content-Type, application
                    /json; charset=UTF-8]}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 535

I even have turned off all firewalls on server and my computer.

machinebeat configuration machinebeat.yml:

#==========================  Modules configuration ============================

  path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml
  reload.enabled: false

#==================== Elasticsearch template setting ==========================

  index.number_of_shards: 1
  index.codec: best_compression
#================================ Outputs =====================================
#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
  hosts: [""]

#================================ Processors =====================================
  - add_host_metadata: ~
  - add_cloud_metadata: ~

#================================ Logging =====================================
logging.level: debug


> .\machinebeat.exe test output -c .\machinebeat.yml
  parse url... OK
    parse host... OK
    dns lookup... OK
    dial up... OK
  TLS... WARN secure connection disabled
  talk to server... ERROR Get "": EOF

During this time, wireshark with tcp.port eq 9200 captures:

machinebeat run log

2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	ERROR	[publisher_pipeline_output]	pipeline/output.go:154	Failed to connect to backoff(elasticsearch( Get "": EOF
2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	INFO	[publisher_pipeline_output]	pipeline/output.go:145	Attempting to reconnect to backoff(elasticsearch( with 1 reconnect attempt(s)
2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	DEBUG	[esclientleg]	eslegclient/connection.go:260	ES Ping(url=
2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	INFO	[publisher]	pipeline/retry.go:219	retryer: send unwait signal to consumer
2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	INFO	[publisher]	pipeline/retry.go:223	  done
2022-04-08T22:12:28.557+0800	DEBUG	[esclientleg]	transport/logging.go:41	Completed dialing successfully	{"network": "tcp", "address": ""}
2022-04-08T22:12:28.558+0800	DEBUG	[esclientleg]	eslegclient/connection.go:264	Ping request failed with: Get "": EOF
2022-04-08T22:12:29.532+0800	INFO	nodevalue/nodevalue.go:217	[OPCUA] Publishing 15 new events

During running wireshark captures nothing with tcp.port eq 9200

I have been struggling with this for a long time, but have not found the reason, and I hope you can help me. Thank you!

Surprisingly, I used the exact same configuration (copy and paste, absolutely identical!) on the same computer with Windows Subsystem Linux running machinebeat for linux, it actually works!!!

I can't even believe it! All machinebeat were obtained by directly downloading the latest version of the binaries:

Thats looks really strange.
The connection to elasticsearch is used from the beat library and is used the same way in all the other beats.
All references I found for this issue appear to connect to the wrong endpoint.
In your case everything looks ok.

Can I close the issue for you?

If this question is of no value to this repository, please close it.
But I can also provide more information, including video, if you ask.

Well its nothing Machinebeat can change.

I would recommend asking in https://discuss.elastic.co/