
calling client.nodes().stats() results in an exception

inrix-angel opened this issue · 2 comments

Java API client version


Java version


Elasticsearch Version


Problem description

   `     NodesStatsResponse result = client.nodes().stats();`

(where client is an instance of an ElasticSearchClient)


jakarta.json.stream.JsonParsingException: Jackson exception: Numeric value (628037356913) out of range of int (-2147483648 - 2147483647) at [Source: (org.apache.http.nio.entity.ContentInputStream); line: 1, column: 347]

Note i have 1763 active shards, 887 active primary shards, around 400 indices totalling 1,110,615,971 searchable documents . they take around 2 TB. It seems there's clearly a flaw in the sense that there are some assumptions made about the max sizes in the cluster /node stats endpoint

Hello, thanks for reporting this! This was recently fixed by converting all size-related field from integer to long, but just to be sure let me know if this is still a problem for you.