
Create Index Mapping: The dims parameter for dense vector field type should be optional

spinscale opened this issue · 1 comments

Java API client version


Java version


Elasticsearch Version


Problem description

The following snippet returns an error, but should not according to the documentation

        client.indices().create(b -> b
                .mappings(mb -> mb
                        .properties("paragraphs", pb -> pb.nested(nb -> nb
                                .properties("vector", vb -> vb.denseVector(t -> t))
                                .properties("text", tb -> tb.text(t -> t.index(false))))

results in

Exception in thread "main" co.elastic.clients.util.MissingRequiredPropertyException: Missing required property 'DenseVectorProperty.dims'

However, the documentation for 8.11 states at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/dense-vector.html#dense-vector-params:

    (Optional, integer) Number of vector dimensions. Can’t exceed 4096. If dims is not specified, it will be set to the length of the first vector added to the field.