moment.location is not defined
raphaelcamar opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi, recently I'm facing a lot of problems at build time using Vite. At the page that I use EuiDatePicker
, is breaking, and giving the following error: moment$1.locale is not a function
In development works fine, but in the build breaks. I don't know if the error is with the EUI or with vite
ElasticUI version: 40.0.0
Moment version: 2.29.
Thanks for reporting this. It looks like you're on an older version of EUI. Do you mind upgrading to a later version of EUI and letting me know if you still experience the same thing? If so, could you also provide steps to allow me to replicate this on my end as well? Thank you!
I tried with the newest version of elastic, and still got problems. Even so, if worked I could not switch, because broked all my UI. I created a repo reproducing the error: Repo. Thaks for the attention
Thank you for providing this repo! We do have known issues with Vite and don't officially support it at this time. In the meantime, I can document the issue your facing with the other known issues we have.
Perfect, thanks for your time. If I encounter a solution, I will post here
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