
ML categories fine-tuning

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Summary of the problem (If there are multiple problems or use cases, prioritize them)
There are a few open UX/UI questions I'd like to address in this issue

  • Where should we place the beta label?
    We discussed this in the design sync yesterday (18. Dec) and decided to remove the beta tag from the tab. Therefore I suggest to put it next to the headline in the content.

Screenshot 2019-12-23 at 09 42 17

  • Where and how can we show which datasets are included in the category analysis? (Maybe we will disable some automatically, therefore we need to indicate this somehow)

  • Where can we show a warning if the number of categories is very high?

We should indicate if there are too many categories, so as a user, I can fine-tune the configuration of my ML job:

Screenshot 2019-12-24 at 10 05 37

The Button Update configuration should link to the setup screen, which could be adapted to allow configuring the datasets used for the categorization.

cat - setup