
Primary LanguageRuby

Michael has Frames (just one for now, but maybe more) Frames another word for quilt, but not quilt because that's the name of the app silly. have Patches have a width and height of patches have settings that inform the pixel width and height of patches have settings that inform how many layers, and of what kind, for each patch

    belong to a **Frame**
    belong to an **Artist**
    have **Pixels**
    have unique to the quilt x and y coordinates
      which are assigned randomly
    have **Layers**

      have pixels
      are of a certain type governing pixel editing behavior like:
        add/remove any pixel
        change pixels from a specific color (like white) to another single color
        rainbow-animate-ify a pixel's SUPER SPECIAL COLOR that's defined at the **Frame level**

        are created
          at a specific time
          with rgba values
          at x y coordinates
          by an **Artist**
        belong to
          an **Artist**
          a Patch
        are never updated
        are never deleted

        have **Pixels**
        have **Patches**
  1. A Frame is made by Michael, who is just the first Artist
  2. When the first Artist visits the Frame's URL for the first time a Patch is created
  3. New patches get their first Layer, the kind of Layer being determined by the Frame's "layer order" settings
  4. The Patch can have pixels added, but only in ways that their Layer will allow