
Export to InDesign

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Some publishers ask us for InDesign files, for instance because when they make rights deals they want to offer buyers InDesign files, or because InDesign feels more open and accessible a format than scary markdown/HTML.

In theory, we could add the ability to export to ICML. We could use pandoc (which is already a dependency), but it would probably be better to use Ickmull, even if that will only work on unix. Since it takes XHTML, we'd probably use our epub output as the source for this conversion.

Of course, that only gets us ICML, which takes care of body text and text styles, but doesn't help with actual formatting or page setup.

It may be possibly to also export some style information to, say, a JSON file and then write an InDesign script that sets up pages and reads in many (likely not all) of the text styles.

This would be a lot of (fun) work.