Provide (better) instructions for installing openocd on all OSes
stephenhensley opened this issue · 3 comments
At present, the only instructions for installing openocd are in the MacOS section, and recommend building from source
Recently, the forum had brought up the xpack distribution of openocd which I have tested on windows so far and it works with the STM32H750.
Installation instructions are here:
It'd be worth refining each OSes section, or adding a dedicated "Debug Tools" section to Wiki recommending to get openocd from here.
I updated Wiki page with instructions how to build OpenOCD with Homebrew from git:
I also updated installation of gcc-arm-embedded to more convenient version, it can be added as exception for security checks without disabling/re-enabling security checks for each build:
OpenOCD 0.11 released:
I updated Mac version of installation guide.