
electron-builder does not bundle the dependencies correctly in the build

nikitavoloboev opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Electron-Builder Version: 24.4.0
  • Node Version: 18.15.0

Trying to do build of app here:


If git clone and cd app and pnpm run compile which runs:

electron-builder build --config .electron-builder.config.js --dir --config.asar=false

.electron-builder.config.js is config file.


It compiles

But when I try open the app from dist I see this:


I am not sure why but it seems that electron-builder is not bundling the node dependencies correctly for the build?

Thank you lots for any help.

From my investigations I found this issue:


Which had this comment


trying to add https://github.com/electron/rebuild now

hopefully that fixes it

It's unclear how to actually integrate rebuild package into the process.

I understand I have to somehow modify the dependency call to node-sqlite3 with rebuild but how is super unclear even after reading rebuild docs.