
React Developer Tools add failed

Opened this issue · 6 comments

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any help?

Are you using the React Google Chrome plugin within Electron?

Are you using the React Google Chrome plugin within Electron?

Yeah that's the only way atm. I have the same issue, trying to install react and redux devtools. It works in production/packaged app but not in dev mode. Using https://github.com/MarshallOfSound/electron-devtools-installer

@caoxiemeihao any ideas?

@caoxiemeihao any chance you could take a look at this?

Is there a way to offer a bounty for resolving this issue? I'll start the bidding with $100.

@caoxiemeihao any chance you could take a look at this?

@Stanzilla Sorry, I just saw this message. I've been very busy at work recently. I'll take some time to look at this issue.

@caoxiemeihao any chance you could take a look at this?

@Stanzilla Sorry, I just saw this message. I've been very busy at work recently. I'll take some time to look at this issue.

Awesome, thank you! Glad that you found a new job as well, I remember you were looking!