
TypeError: electron_1.BrowserWindow is not a constructor

isurendrasingh opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm using this typescript boilerplate for electron. The main process is working but when i use renderer process to create a modal window i'm getting this error. As i searched it is because of when compiling to js there is no .remote present. Please provide basic instructions to use renderer process

Anyone actually working on the stuff that is broken - or just keep stuffing in features that no one is asking for?

@OldManMeta This is an old issue and the remote module was removed in an older version of Electron. I'm not sure what there is to fix for this at the moment.

If you want a more feature-rich Electron development experience with TypeScript, I'd check out: https://www.electronforge.io/templates/typescript-+-webpack-template

@erickzhao - thanks for your response.

I've been going around in circles for several hours here on what should be a two minute job. What a complete mess this project is in, which is an absolute shame.

If this is no longer relevant, how about closing the issue?


💯 makes sense to me.