
Apple Silicon / macOS Big Sur Support

MarshallOfSound opened this issue ยท 2 comments

I'm opening this issue so that when people search for it, they find this ๐Ÿ˜„ We are currently reviewing the work that needs to be done across Electron, the ecosystem and our dependencies to provide support for Apple Silicon and macOS 11. Once we have a good picture of the work that needs to be done we will raise tracking issues for that work or just update this issue.

You should follow this issue for updates, don't raise new ones asking for updates or information because they will simply be closed.

Big Sur Known Issues

  • Corners aren't rounded properly on most windows, this appears to be true across all applications and is therefore probably a Big Sur bug
  • Electron doesn't run under Rosetta 2 (no chromium based things do). We should set LSRequiresNativeExecution to indicate this to the OS. It might be possible to fix using a determined-at-runtime page size but that might have an untold performance cost
  • spawn('mkdir', [someFolderName]) fails on Big Sur; works on Catalina (Reported in #24729)
    • Works, might require codesigning
  • Notification replies are unfocusable on Big Sur; works on Catalina
    • Fixed in a Big Sur update

Closing this tracking issue out, for information on how to get your app running on Apple silicon please refer to our blog post.


If you find any Apple silicon specific issues, please raise them as new issues on this repository.