
[Feature Request]: Opening On-Screen Keyboard in Electron.js Application.

kelvinEC2910 opened this issue · 1 comments

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Problem Description

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to seek your expertise regarding a challenge I'm facing in my desktop application development.
I've been diligently crafting a desktop application using Electron.js, with React.js as the frontend framework. My application is coming together nicely, but I've encountered a hurdle when it comes to touch desktop usability. Specifically, I'm struggling to find a way to seamlessly open the on-screen keyboard whenever an input box is selected.
Given the nature of touch desktop environments, it's crucial for the user experience that the on-screen keyboard pops up effortlessly whenever input is required, regardless of where the input box is located within the application.
I've scoured through the documentation and explored various avenues, but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution. That's why I'm turning to the Electron.js community for guidance. If anyone has experience or insights on how to achieve this functionality within an Electron.js application, I would be immensely grateful for your assistance.
Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can provide. Your support means a lot to me, and I'm eager to learn from your expertise.

Proposed Solution

Implementing Mobile-style On-Screen Keyboard in Electron.js Application.

Alternatives Considered

I want like this.

Additional Information

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