
[Bug]: View.addChildView can be used to add the same view multiple times, causing crash

Hans-Halverson opened this issue · 0 comments

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Operating System Version

macOS 14.4.1

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arm64 (including Apple Silicon)

Last Known Working Electron version

No response

Expected Behavior

When upgrading to Electron 30 with the new WebContentsView API I noticed crashes occurring in View.addChildView. An Electron fiddle is attached, but the minimal repro is:

parent.addChildView(view1); // no crash
parent.addChildView(view2); // crash

I know that it's a little weird to call addChildView on a view that is already attached, but with setTopBrowserView deprecated this is the only way I see to reorder WebContentsViews (since you can pass an index as the second parameter to addChildView to reorder views). Without this you have to first call removeChildView then re-add the view, but that causes the child view to become hidden for a moment which breaks content you may be trying to interact with. Allowing reordering by calling addChildView on a child view that is already attached would prevent this crash and give us a primitive that is at least as powerful as setTopBrowserView (as requested in this issue as well: #42061).

From poking around it looks like Chromium already supports reordering a child view that is already attached using View::AddChildViewAt here. But it looks like Electron is missing a check if the view is already in View::child_views_ here (note that we already check if the child view is attached in View::RemoveChildView here).

I'm pretty sure that without this check we end up adding the child multiple times to View::child_views_, which then causes us to pass an out of bounds index to Chromium's View::AddChildViewAt, which is not supported given the DCHECK here.

I'm hoping that Electron will be able to make this relatively small change to prevent crashes in addChildView while allowing for this convenient view re-ordering behavior (without having to call removeChildView first).

Actual Behavior

Entire app crashes when adding a new view with addChildView after Electron's internal View::child_views_ holds duplicate entries.

Testcase Gist URL


Additional Information

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