
[Bug]: Custom Chrome extension not load in electron app

ElectronMB opened this issue · 1 comments

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Operating System Version

mac mini 14.4.1

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Last Known Working Electron version

No response

Expected Behavior

Open Chrome extension into the electron app.

Actual Behavior

When I load an extension with the below document it throws the error in the terminal


Manifest contains a differential_fingerprint key that will be overridden on the extension update.
Permission 'scripting' is unknown or URL pattern is malformed.

Document I used:

--> https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/devtools-extension#:~:text=To%20load%20an%20extension%20in,the%20extension%20in%20Google%20Chrome

--> https://github.com/samuelmaddock/electron-browser-shell

I take all the above link references but I get the same error in every solution.

Testcase Gist URL


Additional Information

Basically, I have my own unpack extension, or also it's in the web store and I want to add that extension to my electron app.

Shortly I want to use my electron app like Google Chrome browser in which I can add extensions and parallel run the electron pages as well but not able to do so with above given reference

My extension manifest version is 3

My electron version is : 26.2.1

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