
[Feature Request]: Splitting Electron into a small EXE and a large DLL

zuohuiyang opened this issue · 1 comments

Preflight Checklist

Problem Description


Proposed Solution

Splitting the large electron.exe into smaller EXE and larger DLL files, with most of the code placed within the DLL while the EXE acts as a shell to load the DLL, offers two benefits:
1、The EXE can speed up the application startup by preloading the DLL. In our product's testing (used by several million users), preloading resulted in a 180ms improvement in the PCT50 startup speed.
2、If the EXE is used as a launcher, the DLL and other program files can be placed in a versioned subdirectory. This structural design provides advantages for installation, uninstallation, and upgrades. During installation and uninstallation, there are often mysterious file occupation issues. Isolating the files in a versioned directory can increase the success rate of installation and uninstallation. Keeping a separate EXE outside the versioned directory maintains a unified entry point for the application. In certain scenarios, such as OEM pre-installation, maintaining a fixed location for the EXE is necessary. In the context of updates, having a separate EXE launcher is beneficial for implementing silent updates.

Additionally, Chrome follows a similar approach.
c:\Program Files\Google\Chrome>tree /F

│ chrome.exe
│ chrome.VisualElementsManifest.xml
│ chrome_proxy.exe
│ initial_preferences

│ │ 124.0.6367.158.manifest
│ │ chrome.dll
│ │ chrome.dll.sig
│ │ chrome.exe.sig
│ │ chrome_100_percent.pak
│ │ chrome_200_percent.pak
│ │ chrome_elf.dll
│ │ chrome_pwa_launcher.exe
│ │ chrome_wer.dll
│ │ d3dcompiler_47.dll
│ │ dxcompiler.dll
│ │ dxil.dll
│ │ elevation_service.exe
│ │ eventlog_provider.dll
│ │ icudtl.dat
│ │ libEGL.dll

Alternatives Considered


Additional Information

I would like to know how the official community perceives this Feature Request. If the community deems this feature feasible, I am interested in taking up its development. Could you please advise me on the appropriate process to follow? For instance, should I start by submitting an RFC (Request for Comments) document?