
after switching to WebContentsView the app crashes

IroniumStudios opened this issue · 4 comments

Preflight Checklist

Electron Version


What operating system are you using?


Operating System Version

windows 11 23h2

What arch are you using?


Last Known Working Electron version


Expected Behavior

Automate the Crashpad client to run seamlessly, preventing log errors and eliminating the risk of my app crashing unexpectedly.

Actual Behavior

During app navigation, sudden crashes occur with an error message indicating:
[17528:0512/115530.396:ERROR:crashpad_client_win.cc(868)] not connected
this issue could not be re created in electron fiddle

Testcase Gist URL

No response

Additional Information

No response

Could you please attach a crash dump to help us get more information? You can collect them by adding the following snippet to your main process code, before app.whenReady:

const { app, crashReporter } = require('electron')
crashReporter.start({ submitURL: '', uploadToServer: false })

Then reproduce the crash, zip up the crash dumps directory and attach it here.