
[Bug]: Asynchronous onBeforeRequest handler crashes Chromium with unretained dangling ptr error for specific websites

mgalla10 opened this issue · 2 comments

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Electron Version


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Operating System Version

Windows 11 version 23H2

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Last Known Working Electron version


Expected Behavior

Providing an asynchronous handler to a window's webContents.session.webRequest.onBeforeRequest method should not result in a crash, regardless of the website being navigated to.

Actual Behavior

If there is any asynchrony in the onBeforeRequest handler (even just a setTimeout(0) delay), attempting to navigate to or within the website "https://yahoo.com" results in Chromium crashing with the fatal error "Detected dangling raw_ptr in unretained with id=0x########". Try-catch blocks are not sufficient to keep this error from tearing down the entire application.

So far, this issue seems to be specific to https://yahoo.com, but I'm not convinced there aren't other sites out there that would also manifest the same issue.

Testcase Gist URL


Additional Information

Using the test Gist, once Yahoo has loaded, click the main "yahoo!" button to renavigate to that page again. Within anywhere from 1 to 5 clicks, the entire app will crash and the console will display information about the dangling raw_prt error.