
[Bug]: merged pr #42093 "fix: console.log() in AudioWorkletGlobalScope" does not work as expected

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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Operating System Version

Mac OS X 12.7.1

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Last Known Working Electron version


Expected Behavior

Weekly builds for branch 28-x-y should be done sucessfully!

Actual Behavior

Failed to build each of time after pr #41895 was merged!

Each time of failed build shows error as follows:

TypeScript compilation failed. Used tsconfig gen/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/front_end/core/sdk/sdk-tsconfig.json

../../third_party/devtools-frontend/src/front_end/core/sdk/ChildTargetManager.ts(177,19): error TS2339: Property 'Worklet' does not exist on type 'typeof Type'.

Testcase Gist URL

No response

Additional Information

This is why I have opened this issue #42204 which has already been closed.


Are there any one familiar with these codes could help to have a look on it?

Branch 28-x-y has already not been built and released about ONE month, which should be done weekly usually!!!

This pr #42093 (Add support of the Worklet target) looks like trying to resolve this issue, but it seems that it does not work as expect!


Why there are two similar folders name for devtools frontend?


The same folder name in chromium is:

So, it seems the "devtools-frontend" should be the correct folder name!

pr #40413 & #41895 import this wrong folder name

Fixed in #42212.