
Global binary is missing

liudonghua123 opened this issue · 1 comments

I used electron-download a lot, but now when I use this utility to download electron to local cache, I always failed with the error shown on #122. I go through the code, find the cache location changed from %LOCALAPPDATA%/electron/Cache to %LOCALAPPDATA%/electron/Cache/httpnpm.taobao.orgmirrorselectronv8.0.0electron-v8.0.0-win32-x64.zip. For this change, I could not use electron-download to download electron from mirror especially from China, and install electron via the local cache from electron-download.
I found the repository changed from https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-download to https://github.com/electron/get.
Can we provide a binary for downloading electron to local cache like .electron-download did?

There are no plans to (re-)add a CLI tool.