
error in script/create-dist

manang opened this issue · 3 comments

there is a typo in create-dist script.
when I try to create the dist output file, the script search ffmpeg.dylib file in a folder called native_mksnapshot, but it is not available in dist/main/
I guess that the folder is dist/main/ffmpeg.
could you confirm it?

@manang How exactly you run the create-dist script? Any arguments?
What type of build you have run before that? Just script/build without any arguments?

I launched
$ script/update -t x64
$ script/build -t x64
and after
$ script/create-dist

Hey there,

It's been a long time coming but the libchromiumcontent repository is being archived as it is no longer used in the Electron build system (🎉 this is a good thing).

If your issue is still relevant to Electron in it's current build system (please verify first) then you should probably raise a similar issue on electron/electron.

Thanks 😄