Cannot symbolicate an electron 10.4.0 crash on macOS
ggreco opened this issue · 1 comments
Sentry is signaling a lot of crashes in electron recently, but due to a limitation on the company sentry plan we cannot symbolicate them (sentry allows the user to upload symbols of size up to 2GB and electron macOS ones are 2.5GB...
So I'm trying to use electron/symbolicate-mac to do the work.
I installed it in my project as dev-dependency with:
yarn add -D electron/symbolicate-mac
I call it with:
npx electron-symbolicate-mac --version 10.4.0 --file electronCrash.json
... it does not give any error, and after about a minute it spits a JSON where the electron framework is not symbolicated at all... I'm attaching the original crash file that I used to produce this result.
Snippet of the result:
"exception": {
"values": [
"type": "EXC_BREAKPOINT / EXC_I386_BPT",
"value": "Fatal Error: EXC_BREAKPOINT / EXC_I386_BPT",
"stacktrace": {
"frames": [
"function": "start",
"symbol": "start",
"package": "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib",
"in_app": false,
"data": {
"orig_in_app": -1,
"symbolicator_status": "symbolicated"
"instruction_addr": "0x7fff6d8c5cc8",
"trust": "fp"
"function": "main",
"symbol": "main",
"package": "/Applications/ Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Studio Helper (Renderer)",
"filename": "../../electron/shell/app/",
"abs_path": "/Users/distiller/project/src/electron/shell/app/",
"lineno": 274,
"in_app": false,
"data": {
"orig_in_app": -1,
"symbolicator_status": "symbolicated"
"instruction_addr": "0x1006be1e4",
"trust": "fp"
"package": "/Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Electron Framework",
"in_app": false,
"data": {
"orig_in_app": -1,
"symbolicator_status": "missing"
"instruction_addr": "0x1008ac9ca",
"trust": "fp"
"package": "/Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Electron Framework",
"in_app": false,
"data": {
"orig_in_app": -1,
"symbolicator_status": "missing"
"instruction_addr": "0x1015e8b55",
"trust": "fp"
"package": "/Applications/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Electron Framework",
"in_app": false,
"data": {
"orig_in_app": -1,
"symbolicator_status": "missing"
"instruction_addr": "0x104a681c5",
"trust": "fp"
Going to close this out as stale since it's such an old issue. If you're still experiencing problems with the latest version of this package, please open a new issue.