Need Simple arduino code to post data
gardendave opened this issue · 5 comments
I am not a programmer and your example has too much code that is not easily understood by beginners like me.
I have spent a few days trying to get it to work, but all get posted to my sheet is 'undefined' 'undefined'
I would like to request that you post a simple ino file for arduino/esp etc. for just posting some data to a sheet.
by not including reading A1 or the calendar, the bits necessary to use your library will be more obvious to the beginner.
void GetData(){
// put your data gathering here. remember to use global variables
// this random is to generate numbers to fill the cells. add your sensor and remove these lines
data1 =random(99) ; // generate a random number no higher than 98
data2 = random(200)*.7 ; // generates a floating point value with decimal places
data3 = random(1000); // just a 3rd value to give something to post
one other column, time of the post.
Hey @gardendave,
We probably should get a more simple example up front.
It looks like you're successfully getting some numbers into variables and assembling them into a URL String. Does that look something like this?
String url = String("") + GScriptId + "/exec?data1=" + data1;
Did you define those variables in the google app script?
var data1 = e.parameter.data1;
and so on...
and then to write the value passed in the url
And voila, random data in cell A1.
I sure did not mean to berate anyone. just because he knows what he is doing and I am stumbling like any noob.
The three actions, post data, read calendar and read A1, are integrated more than I can figure.
If I could see just one action, I could see how it is different than the other two.
I later realized that there is the code AND the script....
@gardendave okie dokie, sounds like you're on the right track now. Have you got it working for your application?
@bigFin thanks for the comments. Dave, I'm going ahead and closing this issue. I may post a simple example, but can't guarantee since I've other projects in the pipeline right now. This is not for absolute beginners. I suggest you read up on C++, Arduino and ESP8266 in general to better understand it.