
App continues to operate even if the crypto store is in a fatal state

BillCarsonFr opened this issue · 0 comments

In some cases, sessions cannot access the crypto store anymore: see rageshakes https://github.com/matrix-org/element-android-rageshakes/issues/61406

These errors look like:

2024-03-09T15:31:36*411GMT+00:00Z org.matrix.rustcomponents.sdk.crypto.CryptoStoreException$CryptoStore: Error encrypting or decrypting a value aead::Error
at org.matrix.rustcomponents.sdk.crypto.OlmMachine.outgoingRequests(matrix_sdk_crypto_ffi.kt:52)

The app is still running, but this will produce unable to decrypt messages: the message is encrypted but outgoing request cant be executed and then the message is sent.

2024-03-09T15:31:36*414GMT+00:00Z 40782 E/ /SYNC/SyncThread: org.matrix.rustcomponents.sdk.crypto.CryptoStoreException$CryptoStore: Error encrypting or decrypting a value aead::Error
	at org.matrix.rustcomponents.sdk.crypto.FfiConverterTypeCryptoStoreError.read(matrix_sdk_crypto_ffi.kt:8)
	at org.matrix.rustcomponents.sdk.crypto.OlmMachine.outgoingRequests(matrix_sdk_crypto_ffi.kt:52)
	at org.matrix.android.sdk.internal.crypto.OlmMachine$outgoingRequests$2.invokeSuspend(OlmMachine.kt:14)
2024-03-09T15:31:36*923GMT+00:00Z 40781 D/ /Tag: Event sent to !uggHotIGjUwwvkmNJw:matrix.org with event id $vNRtHOGTtiKfUALiFPi9b-v_5QiCmBugYWDaDUzwYSM

This is surprising.
This send operation should have fail. The app can't work if the crypto database can't be accessed, it's a fatal error that should stop the app and prompt something to the user.