
Getting custom keys onTimeline updated Snapshot[SDK]

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I am adding a some custom keys to my message content while sending event, now when I get the message in my onTimeLineUpdated Listener there the custom keys are getting removed if the message is a reply to another message.

For eg :-
I am replying to a message with custom key as attachment which is list of custom data type.
Here's my json which I send :-

"{m.relates_to={m.in_reply_to={event_id=eventId}}, attachments=[{info={mtype=m.image, name=Happy Birthday GIF by Rodney Dangerfield.image/gif, size=0, type=image/gif}, url={content_uri=attachmentUrlHere}}], body=, msgtype=m.text, formatted_body=}"

Now, when I get this in onTimelinUpdate it removes attachments key from the object but when I try to get the TimeLineEvent with :- roomService?.getRoom(roomId)?.getTimelineEvent(id) it gives me all the things in my response.

Also in my message if I change m.relates_to to any other key like m.attachment_relates_to then it works and give all the things as expected.

It only happens in Android Sdk, other then that iOS, Web and others work fine.

is there any update on this or did you get a chance to work on this.