
Need help for CSS inject order example

maicss opened this issue · 6 comments

With a nuxt project has modules: nuxt/tailwind, nuxt/elementPlus, how to control css order?
My project inject css order like: tailwind, my-project-style-sheet, element-plus.


Similar problem:

tailwind inject order config: https://tailwindcss.nuxtjs.org/getting-started/options#injectposition but this not working

I cloned this project, add el-main tag to root if component Examlpes.vue, and add class p-0 to it:


expect to change el-main padding to 0, but I got:

Can you help me with it, thanks!

  • If you use unocss, you can use feature attributify. p-0 It has a higher priority than class.
  • Or you can override it by class="p-0!".
  • You can set --el-main-padding: 0 for inline style.

Of course, they may not seem like the most elegant solution.

Finally, I think you can use div directly for layout without having to stick to el-main.
The internal implementation of el-main is very simple and is essentially just a div.
If you have a custom situation, div is a better choice.

Attribute p-0 not working neither.

So sad. I will use div instead.

But I cannot override CSS vars, this is a massive problem.

But I cannot override CSS vars, this is a massive problem.

It should be work for me to test. Can you tell me how to reproduce it?

You need add your class .xxx instead of :root.

For performance reasons, we didn't let all variables are exposed globally.

OK, get it, thanks.