
Popover is too wide

JoseExposito opened this issue · 3 comments

What Happened

The calendar popover is too wide. I'm not sure if this is the intended behaviour or if it is a side effect of the sound indicator showing devices long name. See elementary/wingpanel-indicator-sound#190


Expected Behavior

If the change was unintentional, I'd expect it to look like it looked before.

Platform Information

elementary OS 6

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Maybe an effect of recent changes to stylesheet? e.g. 30656a5

I think you are right @jeremypw

This is actually due to adding margins to .h4 labels in the system stylesheet. Could work around this in a few ways:

  • Use custom CSS instead of h4
  • add custom CSS to remove the margin from h4
  • change the system stylesheet in some way
  • set bold in Pango and use dim-label instead of h4