
AWS Assume Role

fabge opened this issue · 3 comments

fabge commented


I’d like to publish the static content of a WordPress site to an AWS S3 bucket.

In our company, we have some restrictions in the AWS cloud accounts. One of them is, that the user can only assume a role. Only the role then gives the user permissions to e.g. upload to S3.

Unfortunately the ‘assume role’ concept is not built into WP2Static, eventhough this pattern is quite common.

Are there any workarounds?


+1 on this.

I've tried assigned an IAM role to the EC2 instance and it doesn't get respected.

An option to used the IAM EC2 Profile would be awesome or to select a profile from the .aws/config would be great.


@TooheyPaneer Are you using v6? v7 should use the EC2 instance role when you don't specify an AWS key pair.

should be working fine for some time now. please let me know if still facing issues using instance role