Memory Game Gif

project part of the Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Udacity.

Code with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • javaScript


  • Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts


  • Timer 🕛
  • Number of moves counter
  • Number of stars ⭐⭐⭐ (Rating)
  • Reset game
  • Play again
  • Automatic shuffle of cards everytime game is reset, initilize or page reload

How to play the game:

  • Click on the cards to see the symbols they hide, and try to make pairs of cards with the same symbol on it
  • There is 16 cars so 8 pairs to be matched
  • Try to make it with the leats numbers of moves to get more stars ⭐
  • Keep an eye on the timer 🕛
  • Timer will start counting with your first click on a card
  • Once it is finished, all the cards pairs matched, you will be informed of it and the time it took you, also the number of moves as the stars you got awarded with.
  • You can reset the game anytime

Thanks to Yahya Elharony for the great tips

Hope you enjoy it!