
Annotator 0.2.2 fails to load on iPad

bobcat-hubcap opened this issue · 15 comments

Using Obsidian 1.2.0(50) API v0.14.2 on iPad Pro running iOS 15.5 receive message "Failed to load plugin obsidian annotator'". Cannot toggle "enable" switch to ON position. Have uninstalled/re-installed plugin and have of course closed and re-started Obsidian all to no avail.

Many thanks.



Tested this on iPad, got the same behaviour. Plugin installs/updates normally, but doesn't start.

@bobcat-hubcap Looks like this problem exists since 0.2.1, so the only advice I can give at the moment is to manually install 0.1.9 or 0.2.0 :(

@elias-sundqvist FYI. I guess that adding node-fetch caused that. Because it tries to use node's modules like http, fs, etc. but obsidian on mobile doesn't have nodejs at all. Only browser api available.

@elias-sundqvist FYI. I guess that adding node-fetch caused that. Because it tries to use node's modules like http, fs, etc. but obsidian on mobile doesn't have nodejs at all. Only browser api available.

That sounds strange. 2.2 seems to work fine on Android, and I would expect the same issue to show up there if node modules were required.

Node-fetch takes a custom function for requiring packages.


It is used here https://github.com/elias-sundqvist/obsidian-annotator/blob/master/src/corsFetch.tsx#L1-L23

Basically, these node modules should only be imported if they can be, otherwise node-fetch shouldn't be used. Not sure why it doesn't work as expected on ipad.

I removed node-fetch and plugin started after that on ipad ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Everything works on PC without node-fetch, but on iPad PDF/Epub readers can't render files 😫

0.2.0(release before node-fetch) starts fine, epub reader works, but pdf reader doesn't show annotations. At least on my files.
0.1.9 PDF shows, but annotator doesn't start at all. Epub reader works fine.

Well, looks like iOS has its own magic going on.

Annotator broke in 15.4 as well which is why I updated to 15.5. However, Annotator used to work in 15.4. If I recall, as lately as 2.1. Was all good on Saturday evening (-6 UTC) and then without being used all day Sunday, would not load.

Dunno how to manually revert versions on iPad as there's no view of file system... Seems as though am stuck on the laptop for a bit unless there's some workaround that I could do...

Many thanks.


Manually installed 0.1.9 on my iPad by reverting to it on my laptop and synching. Was unable to enable the plugin on the iPad (same behavior - move toggle and it moves back and displays message). This is odd as I certainly was able to use 0.1.9 for a number of months. Does this point to Apple voodoo as noted above?

Dunno how to manually revert versions on iPad

Looks like you can't downgrade ipad lower than 15.5 anymore :(

Does this point to Apple voodoo as noted above?

No, I think in it's something else, because 0.1.9 starts successfully on my ipad with iPadOS 15.5. Did u restart obsidian after downgrading the plugin? Obsidian applies plugin changes only after reopening vault or full restart.


These are instructions for anyone experiencing the bug described above. This will allow you to get back to work using an earlier version of the Annotator Plug-in. Closed Obsidian on my iPad. Downloaded v. 1.9 and dropped it in my plug-ins folder in the desktop instance of Obsidian. Left the existing .css file there as 1.9 doesn't come with one. Closed Obsidian and re-started it. Opened Obsidian on iPad and enabled Annotator Plug-in v.1.9. Pdfs now display and are fully functional.

On Android 12 and Obsidian 1.2.2, api 0.14.15
I'm unable to install Annotator 0.2.2.
And after a manual installation, I'm unable to activate this plugin

Is there a resolution to this problem so I can use Annotator on the iPad or a workaround that is available please?

@Avocation The issue isn't fixed yet, current workaround is to manually install obsidian-annotator v1.9 as bobcat-hubcap described. You can download version 1.9 right here

Hello everyone! I just published 0.2.4 version with fix to the issue. I tested this on iPadOS 15.6, worked fine

On iPadOS 15.6 on M1 iPad Pro and Annotator plugin v0.2.4 - still get failure to load plugin when I try and switch Annotator plugin on…?

Deleted the plugin, re-installed and now all working - thanks @aladmit