
Library not working in Godbolt Compiler explorer

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I am not sure if you have added the library to Godbolt, but in case you did, it is not working.
I don't seem to be able to use it in there:


A simple include cannot find the header after including it in the "green" libraries button.

#include <scn/scan.h>
<source>:7:10: fatal error: scn/scan.h: No such file or directory
    7 | #include <scn/scan.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
Compiler returned: 1

I tried other variations with the same result.

Nevermind, I found the magic combination:

#include <scn/scn.h>


Got it, the version in Godbolt is v1. Godbolt can work with a "nightly" master if configured to do so, BTW

I sent a PR for v2.0.0 compiler-explorer/infra#1232

Thank you for doing the necessary legwork over at CE! I haven't done any contributions there myself, so it's dependent on people like you. Having a trunk-version there doesn't sound like a bad idea, either.

Closing this issue as WONTFIX, as the progress is tracked over at CE.

No problem.

To be conservative and not overstep I put the tag v2.0.0 in CE.

The CE PR is being processed still.

The infrastructure for CE is merged now.


But I think I partially screwed up.
I mistakenly thought that scn was a header-only library, so the test code compiles, but it doesn't link, so it cannot be run:


I don't know how to make non-header-only libraries in Godbolt.

The people that put libscn in CE have this:


      build_type: cmake
      - -DSCN_DOCS=OFF
      - scn
      repo: eliaskosunen/scnlib
      target_prefix: refs/tags/v
      - '0.4'
      - 1.1.2
      - 2.0.0
      type: github

I don't see immediately what can be wrong with it.

I am trying this now: compiler-explorer/infra#1232

Now it find -lscn but fails to find other libraries like simdutf. Since it is a dependency I am not sure how CE handles it.
Perhaps one has to add simdutf as a separate CE librari.


Yeah, simdutf is a transitive dependency, and needs to be linked with the final binary alongside libscn.a. I don't know what is the normal way of doing things in CE, but it must be included one way or another for it to work. I see some entries that have a staticliblink, but I don't know if that's relevant.

They told me that they still had to "run the conan builds", I don't know how often that happens or if that will solve the problem. They seem to have approved the PR with the simdutf dependency.