Setting up Mesos using Vagrant

This contains two vagrant sandbox environment.

  • standalone environment
  • multi nodes cluster environment
    • If you prefer to EC2 environment, mesos also ships useful mesos-ec2 scripts. you can try this also.

The setup is provided by mesos chef cookbook. Please see everpeace/cookbook-mesos.


Standalone Environment

Setup a Mesos Virtual Box

It's so simple! It's time to get a cup of coffee because this may take some time.

$ cd standalone
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh -c ''

If everything went well, you can see mesos web UI on: http://localhost:5050

Try some example frameworks

please try below by following the getting started document.

$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@mesos$ cd /home/vagrant/mesos/build
vagrant@mesos$ sudo make check
vagrant@mesos$ src/test-framework --master=zk://mesos:2181/mesos
vagrant@mesos$ src/examples/java/test-framework zk://mesos:2181/mesos
vagrant@mesos$ src/examples/python/test-framework zk://mesos:2181/mesos