
Framework that will allow me to scafold text analysis projects

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Framework that will allow me to scafold text analysis projects, designed to work totally in Google Drive and Google Colab


  1. Copy as template, and rename according
  2. Create folder that will be where you project is stored
  3. Copy the settings.yaml file into this Google Drive Folder
  4. Provide $FOLDER as path to your Google Drive folder into settings.yaml
  5. Provide $SPEADSHEET URLto Google spreadsheet that has the list of files you want to harvest into settings.yaml
  6. Deploy the notebook you need by opening in Colab using link below.
  7. Modify YAML_LOCATION in first line of notebook to be the 'Shared' URL of your YAML file


Notebook Description Link
Harvest Grabs the contents of the files in the $SPREADSHEET and creates Text documents of them in $FOLDER link
PreProcess_LDA Preprocesses text to create BOW, Corpus, etc and saves to $FOLDER\preprocess link
Contruct_LDA Builds actual model and gives some exploratory parameters and saves to $FOLDER\model link