
Use data from Folkhälsomyndigheten for the timeline

Opened this issue · 1 comments

jooon commented

In the beginning of April (after April 1, before April 8), Folkhälsomyndigheten added a new column in their daily spreadsheet called "Antal avlidna per dag". It contains a backdated time series of the total deaths in Sweden, but unfortunately not per region. The spreadsheet does have backdated confirmed cases per region though.

I get the impression from their daily press events, that their data has been verified and double checked and is more reliable than when it comes to older datapoints, but on purpose lagging (until verification) for the more recent datapoints.

I suggest that you add two new timeline csv files, directly based on the Folkhälsomyndigheten excel files, and use those when graphing the timeline of total cases and deaths. I can try to help with that later, I just wanted to file an issue now when I discovered it.

Hi, thanks for commenting on this. I know about this and agree that it is a problem. Like you are saying, they are not backdated at a region level, which makes it impossible to use their data for my region level charts. My plan is to use their backdated data when it becomes available at region level since I think it would be inconsistent to use different data sets as for now. Also, regions are reporting deaths from primarily the hospitals in the latest 24 hours and FHM checks for death certificates on a specific date, so it is not even the same data origin, which means that it doesn't necessarily have to be same number.