
Thanks for sharing this

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Just wanna thank you for putting this openly on GH ❤️

I've made some charts here based on your data. It's unfortunate that the testing strategy has changed, makes it very hard to compare since the bump at the 12th of March make it seem like we've reached an inflection point. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P8ej5ypevjWrA_ptgOO4l0wHidJCInE_t7R6NgBiuSI/edit#gid=1000071166

Thank you 🙏

Wow nice, I really like your charts - thanks for sharing! Mm, at least some regions have begun to restrict their testing now. Makes the site somewhat obsolete unfortunately, as we now should (even more) interpret the count as a bare minimum.
