
Reset openai-key

heijligers opened this issue · 4 comments

I believe I might have made a typo when entering my openai api key. how do I reset it from the command line?
I keep getting:
letmedoit Error: Issue on OpenAI side. Solution: Retry your request after a brief wait and contact us if the issue persists. launching LetMeDoIt AI ...

hmmm I have found:
now i'm getting
'OpenAI API returned an API Error: Connection error.'

so resetting doesn't seem to work..
I found the config.py in the venv path and edited it manually.

Issue remains open regarding
both not working when a wrong api key has been entered

May I ask if the issue is sorted yet?

Does the letmedoit app start as expected? You can enter a blank entry and select to change to api key.

It should work fine.

Just few points to mention:

  • if you manually edit the "config.py" file, please first make sure the app is closed.

  • one of users reported previously that he cannot connect to the openai server as expected, but after he enter billing information to his openai account, connection works fine.

I am not sure if these relevant to you.

I assume the issue was sorted. Please kindly let me know if not. I am closing this issue first.