
Temporal Spike Attribution - A local feature-based explanation method for temporally coded Spiking Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Temporal Spike Attribution

This repository contains the Python 3 code for Temporal Spike Attribution (TSA), a method to extract feature attribution explanations for spiking neural networks (SNN). TSA is demonstrated on 2 time-series data sets with SNN models built as recurrent networks in discrete time.1

TSA generates class-wise feature attribution maps that can be overlaid with the spiking data to explain a certain prediction of a SNN, based on model internal variables (i.e., spike trains, learned weights). The intensity corresponds to the attribution value and the color corresponds to positive (red) or negative (blue) attribution.

Below is an example of a TSA explanation of a person's activity across time (x-axis) that the SNN correctly predicts as eating breakfast.


This repository is structured in folders and subfolders, where adl and synthetic refer to the two data sets that were used in the experiments. The corresponding scripts are located in the folders.

Required Python packages

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib
  • pytorch
  • pickle
  • tqdm


We use an artificial data set and a real-world data set of time series classification:

  1. Synthetic data set. The dataset is available as a .csv and .pkl file in data\synthetic. That folder also contains the Jupyter Notebook for generating the data set.
  2. Activities of daily living (ADL) from binary sensors 2 data set which is openly available in the UCI ML Repository. This data set is preprocessed, the corresponding scripts can be found in data\adl\preprocessing. A constant bias sensor activation is added. Additionally, the classification task is broken down to each second, meaning that the models predict the subject's current activity at each second.

Instructions for preprocessing the ADL data set

  1. Download the data from the UCI ML Repository.
  2. Store the csv files in data/raw/UCI ADL Binary Dataset
  3. Run python preprocessing/adl_data_writing.py to generate the "long time series" data, saved in .csv files.

SNN model building

The SNN models use LIF neurons and were implemented as recurrent networks in discrete time trained with a fast sigmoid surrogate gradient as per tutorial of Dr. F. Zenke1. There are some changes to Dr. Zenke's original code as the membrane potential is retained in between epochs and batches to approximate sequential processing of the time series. Purely sequential processing requires too much computation time, which is the reason for the approximation.

To build the models, the data has to be transformed into a spike time, spike unit format. The dataset was split into non-overlapping windows of 900 seconds for tuning and training. For the explanation experiments, the whole time series per subject is maintained.

Three SNNs with one, two, three layers respectively are tuned and trained on the ADL task, and their predictions are explained by TSA.

The following hyperparameters were tuned based on the NLL loss on the validation set after 20 epochs training: $\Delta t, \tau_{syn}, \tau_{mem}$, learning rate, batch size, hidden layer sizes. Then, the models are trained with early stopping and a patience of 20 epochs. For the synthetic task, the hyperparameter tuning is skipped and fixed hyperparameters are specified. The scripts to rerun the tuning and training are located in models, but the tuned hyperparameters and trained model weights are also available.


  • Run python data/adl/adl_data_generation.py to generate and save the ADL data sets in the times, units format. data/adl/dataset900.pkl then corresponds to the dataset used for tuning and training, while data/adl/dataset_max.pkl will be used for the TSA experiments. For the synthetic data set, the data is directly generated in the right format and available in data/synthetic.
  • Create subfolders training/results_xL where x is replaced by the number of layers in your model (i.e., 1, 2, 3) in the adl and in the synthetic folders. In the adl folder, also create the same subfolders for tuning.
  • Run python models/adl/tuning_1L.py, python models/adl/tuning_1L.py, python models/adl/tuning_3L.py to tune the hyperparameters of the different SNN models for the ADL data set respectively.
  • Alternatively, the chosen hyperparameters for the ADL data set can be inspected as models/best_params_1L.pkl, models/best_params_2L.pkl, models/best_params_3L.pkl respectively.
  • To train, run python model/adl/training_1L.py, python models/adl/training_2L.py, python models/adl/training_3L.py for the ADL data set and python model/synthetic/training_1L.py, python models/synthetic/training_2L.py, python models/synthetic/training_3L.py.
  • Alternatively, the trained weights are available as .pt files in the respective model folders.

Explanation extraction with TSA

TSA builds on SNN model internal variables to build a feature attribution explanation. Namely, these are the spiking behavior of the neurons when presented an input, the learned weights and the state variables of the output layer which the model prediction is based on. In the case of the SNN models presented earlier, this is the output layer membrane potential. The explanation is generated by a matrix multiplication approach of these elements per time step of the input, which is concatenated to make up the final explanation. The result is a 3 dimensional attribution map, specifying the input's attribution to the output classes at input dimension and time step granularity.

2 variants of TSA are distinguished by the way the attribution of the spike behavior component is interpreted: The first interpretation assumes the absence of a spike to mean no contribution of a neuron to its downstream neurons. This translates to a contribution of 0, so that only spikes are considered in these explanations. Therefore, this variant is called TSA-S (only spikes).

The second interpretation assumes the absence of a spike to have an effect on the downstream neurons. The effect is the natural decay of the membrane potential. Then, there are also non-spikes considered in the explanation as negative contribution. As non-spikes are assumed to not be carrying as much information as spikes, they are scaled down. This approach is called TSA-NS (non-spikes).

The provided code enables the extraction of local explanations with either method. We also implement a version of SAM3 as a baseline, where weights are not considered. For the experiments, a subset of time stamps are defined to extract explanations for (code available in data/adl/testset_extraction_quantitative_analysis.ipynb for the ADL data set, for the synthetic data it is generated together with the data).


  • Create subfolders s, ns and sam in both experiments/adl and experiments/synthetic.
  • Run the explanation_extraction_xx.py scripts (replace xx with the dataset) to generate TSA-S, TSA-NS and baseline SAM3 explanations.

Evaluation of TSA

TSA's explanation performance is evaluated according to applicable Co-12 properties4: in correctness (explanation selectivity5), output-completeness, continuity (max-sensitivity6 using the Frobenius norm) and compactness (size of the explanation).

The scripts to run this evaluation are provided in the experiments/adl and experiments/synthetic folders.


  • Create folders correctness, output_completeness, continuity with the subfolders s, ns and sam each in experiments/adl and experiments/synthetic.
  • Run correctness_xx.py (long run-time), output_completeness_xx.py, continuity_xx.py where xx is to be replaced by adl or syn depending on the script.
  • The results will be in the subfolders created before.
  • View the results by running the notebook experiments/adl/quantitative_analysis_adl.ipynb and experiments/synthetic/quantitative_analysis_syn.ipynb. The evaluation of compactness is also in these notebooks.


To visualize the attribution map, use the function visualize_attribution_class() of ExplanationCreation.py.

Unfortunately, the extracted explanation files from the original experiments are too large to provide on Github. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to get in contact.


  1. Per tutorial of Friedemann Zenke (https://github.com/fzenke/spytorch, License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 2

  2. Ordonez, F.J.; de Toledo, P.; Sanchis, A. Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Models on Home Environments Using Binary Sensors. Sensors 2013, 13, 5460-5477.

  3. Youngeun Kim and Priyadarshini Panda. Visual explanations from spiking neural networks using inter-spike intervals.Scientific Reports, 11(1), 2021. 2

  4. Nauta, Meike, et al. From Anecdotal Evidence to Quantitative Evaluation Methods: A Systematic Review on Evaluating Explainable AI. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08164 (2022).

  5. Grégoire Montavon, W. Samek, and K. Müller. Methods for interpreting and understanding deep neural networks.Digit. Signal Process., 73:1–15, 2018.

  6. Chih-Kuan Yeh, Cheng.Yu Hsieh, Arun Suggala, David I Inouye, and Pradeep K Ravikumar. On the (in)fidelity and sensitivity of explanations. In H. Wallach, H. Larochelle,A. Beygelzimer, F. d'Alché-Buc, E. Fox, and R. Garnett, editors,Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 32. Curran Associates, Inc., 2019.