
"vagrant up" fails on Manjaro Linux

joaompinto opened this issue · 3 comments

During the deployment script vagrant reports an error and fails, I have attached the log.

I have commented this fix and the installation proceeded as expected, I guess that when the RELEASE does not match the shell is exiting with a non zero code.

# Fix missing packages for openshift origin 3.11.0
# https://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshift-archives/dev/2018-November/msg00005.html
#[ "$(version #{OPENSHIFT_RELEASE})" -eq "$(version 3.11)" ] && yum install -y centos-release-openshift-origin311
eliu commented

Thanks for the feedback. This non-zero error always happen when you choose okd versions other than 3.11. A fix will be released for this.

eliu commented

A patch has been pushed to master branch. Feel free to reopen this issue if any further concerns you have.