Lookup of deserialized scenes cannot find Children/Component of managed components
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If loading a scene in which you have managed c# components (like e.g. in the VehicleDemo with its Vehicle-Component) those cannot be queried after loading the scene via scene.LoadXml(...)
Taking VehicleDemo as example. The scene is created in VehicleDemo.CreateScene() and queries like:
var componentBefore = scene.GetComponent<Vehicle>(true);
var childrenBefore = scene.GetChildrenWithComponent<Vehicle>(true);
Do result in the expected result!
Saving the scene and loading it, afterwards same calls result in null/empty-results. You can query for those Nodes via cpp-components (e.g. StaticMesh...) as usual and it works, and once you have the specific node you can also get the managed-component.
I want to fix the 'recursive'-lookup-calls, but I'm not completely sure what the best setup would be to test whats going on in the c#-glue-layer. Do you have a suggestion how to setup the the project so that I can work on the cs-files (Dotnet/Binding/...) instead of the UrhoDotNet.dll so that I can debug and maybe better understand what is going on under the hood.
I saw the Urho.Shared.projitems
which seems to be something that I would need to include but I'm pretty clueless about csproj-files and how they work.
Yes , I am aware of this issue , it's in my todo list of fixes
Actually I implemented an hack that actually works (it's not so efficient but it works) , see link below
Calling : var children = GetChildrenWithComponent(typeof(Vehicle)); will do the job
I personally haven't concluded yet a final optimized solution for that
If you want to fix it , my hack might be a starting reference point.
P.S. I fixed the VehicleDemo , now it loads and saves the scene.
Sorry I can't help you with the setup of a debug project , I don't have one
I personally use Log.Info() (Urho.IO) in various points of interest
OK , I fixed this specific one
I will include it as part of my next Urho.Net binaries
Let me know if it solves your issues
Thx a lot, you are the best 👍