updating `cldr_dates_times` leads to some dialyzer warnings
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Thanks for the report. Can you show me the offending line in your app that is triggering this?
Thanks, I will take a look in a few hours (in my morning). I always appreciate issues being raised so the library can be improved and made more useful.
If would be tremendously helpful if you could consider pasting text, not pictures. That way I can copy paste whereas with images I end up having to do a lot more work. In addition, including the actual compilation or dialyzer errors (cut/paste from iex/console) also makes debugging a lot more productive and faster.
Ah yes, first time actually I paste screenshot for a warning message, I thought you just need to know what it is about.
here is one of them:
The call 'Elixir.Cldr.DateTime.Formatter':literal
(_@2 :: #{'hour' := _, 'minute' := _, _ => _},
_@1 ::
#{'__struct__' := 'Elixir.Cldr.LanguageTag',
'cldr_locale_name' := 'und',
_ => _},
_@5 :: any()) breaks the contract
map()) ->
So far I'm not able to reproduce.
May I ask you to run mix dialyzer
from the command line instead of from within your editor? That will probably produce a more understandable message as well. Please copy/paste the results here so I can keep working on this.
I am closing this, sorry for late reply. I just upgraded cldr_messages
to 0.14
and all warnings went away. Thank you very much. 😊