
Phoenix project doesn't boot up with Elixir 1.18 (Waiting for lock on the build directory)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Elixir and Erlang/OTP versions

Erlang/OTP 27 [erts-15.0.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [jit]

Elixir 1.18.0 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

Operating system

macOS Sequoia 15.1

Current behavior

When I run mix phx.server it gets stuck showing the following message in the terminal:

❯ mix phx.server
==> file_system
Waiting for lock on the build directory (held by process 66604)

Expected behavior

It should launch the Phoenix app

Here is the branch of the project I'm trying to run. If I downgrade Elixir to 1.17 it works without any issue.

Hey @gabrielperales, just to be sure, how long did you wait, does it get stuck forever? Also, when this happens, please try identifying the process from the message (66604 is a OS pid in the example)? Something like ps aux | grep 66604. Is there a process running, or is it dead?

Hey @gabrielperales, just to be sure, how long did you wait, does it get stuck forever? Also, when this happens, please try identifying the process from the message (66604 is a OS pid in the example)? Something like ps aux | grep 66604. Is there a process running, or is it dead?

Yeah, it got stuck forever... I think I tried to kill the process and It didn't work, but I tried again and it solved the issue. Thanks, I'm closing the issue 😓

I think I tried to kill the process and It didn't work,

So there was a process with that PID actually running? Do you remember what it was, perhaps LSP?

I think I tried to kill the process and It didn't work,

So there was a process with that PID actually running? Do you remember what it was, perhaps LSP?

Ops, not sure, I think it said something about erlang...

If it happens again I'll try to remember it 😓