
Error when entity serialising in OTP 24

msaurabhee opened this issue · 6 comments

Exiting Ets table is getting dropped for some reason

[error] GenServer "cb9120e1-b826-452e-93a0-c9da1b07fe85" terminating
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:

  * 1st argument: the table identifier does not refer to an existing ETS table

    (stdlib 3.16.1) :ets.insert(#Reference<0.1534225394.3053846529.75735>, {#Reference<0.1534225394.3053715457.75740>, %Maru.Entity.Struct.Instance{data: %{message: "<span>queen_of_hearts</span> called", timestamp: 1638503493.935924, type: :BETTING_ACTION}, links: [], module: UnshuffledWeb.Entities.GameChannel.GameEventEntity}, 0})
    (maru_entity 0.2.2) lib/maru/entity/runtime.ex:352: Maru.Entity.Runtime.do_serialize/2

This issue is only in 0.2.2 and not in 0.2.1

@msaurabhee could you help to provide some test data to reproduce this bug?

or could you try the follow version?

{:maru_entity, github: "elixir-maru/maru_entity", ref: "904fa0b"}

@falood , no errors happening with {:maru_entity, github: "elixir-maru/maru_entity", ref: "904fa0b"} . Could you publish this as a version?

There is one warning, though -

warning: redefining @doc attribute previously set at line 181.

Please remove the duplicate docs. If instead you want to override a previously defined @doc, attach the @doc attribute to a function head (the function signature not followed by any do-block). For example:

    @doc """
    new docs
    def expose(...)

  lib/maru/entity.ex:200: Maru.Entity.expose/2

v0.2.3 Released