Ensure selenium image v4 works
peaceful-james opened this issue · 6 comments
i am opening a reminder issue to test against v4 selenium.
Related: #455
I think Selenium v4 might have deprecated the JSON Wire Protocol and now requires the W3C one, but that will have to be confirmed.
Not sure if this is a Docker HUB v4 issue or Selenium itself (or my bad programming). It looks like it's a wallaby issue since it works with Ruby.
Here is what worked and didn't:
single selenium v4 docker instance with Ruby "selenium-webdriver" - Good
single selenium v4 docker instance with Wallaby - Good
selenium-hub v4 docker-compose with Ruby "selenium-webdriver" - Good
selenium-hub v4 docker-compose with Wallaby - Sub-par results
Start TL;DR;
Wallaby results with v4 hub:
Wallaby.start_session returns :ok but the commands I send to that session fail. The error from the selenium-hub log includes this bit:
..."attributes": {"exception.message": "Unable to execute request for an existing session: Unable to find session with ID: \nBuild info: version: '4.0.0-rc-2',...
My guess is the ID isn't being loaded, stored or sent correctly by Wallaby.
End TL;DR;
To reproduce: From LInux install docker and docker-composer (pacman -S docker docker-composer). Configure docker to use TCP (see: https://gist.github.com/styblope/dc55e0ad2a9848f2cc3307d4819d819f .. if any selenium docker dev guys read this, PLEASE add this note to your README.md)
Create a hub config file in /tmp/config.toml
configs = [
"selenium/standalone-firefox:4.0.0-rc-2-prerelease-20210923", "{\"browserName\": \"firefox\"}",
"selenium/standalone-chrome:4.0.0-rc-2-prerelease-20210923", "{\"browserName\": \"chrome\"}"
url = ""
video-image = "selenium/video:ffmpeg-4.3.1-20210923"
Create a place to save the sessions (video?):
mkdir /tmp/assets
Create a docker-compose file /tmp/docker-compose-v3-dynamic-grid.yml
version: "3"
image: selenium/node-docker:4.0.0-rc-2-prerelease-20210923
- /tmp/assets:/opt/selenium/assets
- /tmp/config.toml:/opt/bin/config.toml
- selenium-hub
- SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST=selenium-hub
image: selenium/hub:4.0.0-rc-2-prerelease-20210923
container_name: selenium-hub
- "4442:4442"
- "4443:4443"
- "4444:4444"
Start the hub docker-compose -f docker-compose-v3-dynamic-grid.yml up
You can verify the hub is up by checking out http://localhost:4444. Now from an elixir app with wallaby installed.
vi ./config/config.exs
config :wallaby,
driver: Wallaby.Selenium,
hackney_options: [timeout: 360_000, recv_timeout: 360_000]
Then form iex fire up a chrome and firefox session.
iex -S mix
{:ok, session1} = Wallaby.start_session(
remote_url: "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/",
capabilities: %{browserName: "firefox"}
{:ok, session2} = Wallaby.start_session(
remote_url: "http://localhost:4444/",
capabilities: %{
browserName: "chrome",
Yes, I know one URL has the path /wd/hub/. This was how it worked in v3, but is no longer needed with v4 (optional). I did it each way to test that it's not a path issue.
These will both return {:ok, session}. You should also see two new dynamically created selenium sessions in http://localhost:4444. Now blow it up by running this in iex:
Wallaby.Browser.visit(session1, "https://www.google.com")
Wallaby.Browser.visit(session2, "https://www.yahoo.com")
These will both fail. If you look at the shell running the selenium-hub (via docker-compose) you'll see WARN messages with more details. But I think the key was already pointed out earlier in my message about the ID: being blank.
To see it work, run this
gem install selenium-webdriver
require "selenium-webdriver"
puts "This bit is to fix an issue with WebDriver not being ready for ruby 3.0"
module Selenium
module WebDriver
module Remote
class Bridge
class << self
alias_method :original_handshake, :handshake
def handshake(opts = {})
driver_firefox = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: "http://localhost:4444/", desired_capabilities: :firefox
driver_chrome = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: "http://localhost:4444/", desired_capabilities: :chrome
driver_firefox.navigate.to "http://www.google.com"
driver_chrome.navigate.to "http://yahoo.com"
If you want to see that these ruby sessions are working, from http://localhost:4444 find the movie icon on the left of the session ID. Click that. Password is "secret". Should load a VNC of the browser on google or yahoo.
(To view the VNC session via noVNC)
Selenium's v4 hub feature is going to be pretty cool. Especially with elixir's parallel processing ability. I hope we (you) can get this working.
The error described in the OP-linked elixirforum discussion is actually fixed by an existing PR:
I'm not sure if this PR can be merged or not but it would be great if it could. I believe it would fix this issue.
I am going to go through recent PRs in the next week, I can check out this issue as well.
GitHub Actions updated selenium to be v4 and I am trying to get the tests to pass.
Running v4 locally (on my M1 mac) works fine, but for some reason the tests are timing out when attempting to create a session on GitHub Actions.
Anyone have any idea? https://github.com/elixir-wallaby/wallaby/runs/6316788812?check_suite_focus=true
adding more context on this - selenium 4.9.0 was when the json wire protocol was removed. I'm able to run wallaby against selenium standalone 4.8.0 for both chrome and firefox, but not against 4.9.0.
Release notes here https://www.selenium.dev/blog/2022/legacy-protocol-support/