
Resources routes include "/elixir/appname"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have created Weber application named trash - https://github.com/darkofabijan/trash (It's not a joke I really want to make app with that name. It's for some public activity for reporting broken trash bins in my town).

I have defined resources route:

  route on("GET", "/", :Trash.Main, :index)
    |>  resources(:Trash.Bins)

From app: https://github.com/darkofabijan/trash/blob/master/lib/route.ex#L7

Expected behavior would be that it generates following routes:

GET        /trash/bins               Trash.Bins#index
GET        /trash/bins/new        Trash.Bins#new
POST      /trash/bins               Trash.Bins#create
GET        /trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#show
GET        /trash/bins/:id/edit     Trash.Bins#edit
PUT        /trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#update
DELETE  /trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#index

Instead it generates:

GET        /elixir/trash/bins               Trash.Bins#index
GET        /elixir/trash/bins/new        Trash.Bins#new
POST      /elixir//trash/bins               Trash.Bins#create
GET        /elixir//trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#show
GET        /elixir/trash/bins/:id/edit     Trash.Bins#edit
PUT        /elixir/trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#update
DELETE  /elixir/trash/bins/:id           Trash.Bins#index

It could be fixed by changing API to resources(:bins). And it would be convention map to Trash.Bins controller.

Next iteration could be to allow mapping to custom controller:

resources(:bins, [controller: Trash.CrazyBins])

and specifying just certain actions would be also interesting. e.g.

resources(:bins, [only: {:index, :show}])
resources(:plastic_bins, [except: {:destroy}])

I think that could manage to implement that, but I am not sure how to write integration tests that would show the bug. Current test for router doesn't catch that issue - https://github.com/0xAX/weber/blob/master/test/route_test.exs.

In test weber app bug can be seen from these tests - https://github.com/darkofabijan/trash/blob/master/test/response_test.exs.

It seems kind of tricky to write integration test for framework without generating some test application on the fly. Any guidance would be much appreciated. :)

I really like how things work in weber so far. I use Rails for five years now and I have a feeling that it could be nicely accepted in Ruby/Rails community.

0xAX commented

Hello @darkofabijan,

I removed elixir part from url in route.

0xAX commented

About mapping to the new controller/actions, can you create separate issue please, We will disqus it after 0.0.5 release, i'll make it today.

Cool, thanks. I will move it.