
Compilation issue when running make (mix compile)

Gazler opened this issue · 4 comments

I have tried this with both elixir 0.12.4 and 0.12.5 and both return the following when compiling:

== Compilation error on file lib/weber/handler/weber_req_handler.ex ==
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: Enum.into/2
    (elixir) Enum.into([docs: true, debug_info: true, warnings_as_errors: false], [])
    lib/lager.ex:83: Lager.compile_log_level/0
    lib/lager.ex:74: Lager.should_log/1
    lib/lager.ex:58: Lager.log/4
    /home/gazler/development/weber/lib/weber/handler/weber_req_handler.ex:40: Lager.info/1
    /home/gazler/development/weber/lib/weber/handler/weber_req_handler.ex:40: Handler.WeberReqHandler.handle/2

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

I found a reference to the function in question in khia/exlager@9e667f7 - when I revert this commit it compiles correctly.

Exactly have similar issue above.

0xAX commented

Thanks, will look. What's elixir version are you using?

version 0.12.5

Since this issue is from 2 complete elixir releases ago, I'm going to close this issue. If this compilation problem persists, please open a new issue. Thanks!